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Today’s website offers you the service of answering questions in all fields. Today’s website relies on the well-known question script to receive your questions in all fields and they are answered by the supervisors in the Al-Youm website’s staff. Among the questions asked by visitors to Al-Youm’s website are:
duitse uitvinder eerste auto
Where you can ask your questions on today's site through the word Ask a question at the top of the site and it will be answered within a short time. One of the most important areas that we offer to answer is crossword puzzles and solve puzzles, as well as educational questions for all stages where we provide the typical answer
De Duitse ingenieur Carl Benz was zijn concurrenten Gottlieb Daimler en Wilhelm Maybach nét voor toen hij op 29 januari 1886 octrooi aanvroeg voor de eerste auto ter wereld, de Benz Patent-Motorwagen.